Thursday 17 September 2009


It was an excruciatingly long process to draw this on MSN with a touchpad.

What, it's true.

Saturday 5 September 2009

Open Sauce

An important question was raised last night; how does one define their own sauce?

If I was to open a jar of pre-fabricated pasta sauce and add onions to it, would I have the same right to claim ownership as someone who had procured the same product from raw ingredients?

Some would clearly see the former as having no right to claim the sauce as their own, and they may be right in one sense. However, if they are right, where is the line we draw for ownership of sauce? At what point can we safely say a sauce is our own without such a statement becoming a fabrication?

We have no idea of the extent to which we are being deceived by home-cooking across the world. Perhaps it is necessary to develop the concept of 'open sauce' that allows the redistribution of modified sauce that is secured both morally and legally.

Think about that next time you tell them who made the sauce.

Friday 4 September 2009


He's only gone and started a blog!

Inspired both by my brother's pursuit of philosophical self-discovery and futurism, and a horrifying realisation that the last few days have been spent watching 24 and playing Pokemon, I've decided to open this page as an outlet to what will probably be a short-lived deluge of inane ramblings.

Perhaps if I fall and break my leg, or find time in my busy schedule of wasting time, I will continue to fill this space with juicy nonsense.

Yum yum.